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Dancing in the Dark Fields of Illness and Pain, Online Saturdays 2/22 - 3/29

  • San Francisco Zen Center Online (map)

Six Saturdays, 2 – 3:30 pm PT (4 - 5:30 pm Central Time)

This is an online introductory class for people who are working with the fierce teachers of chronic illness or chronic pain. In this six-part interactive class we will share our stories and explore practices that may be useful on the journey. There will also be an ongoing group for those who have taken this series before.

Zenshin Florence Caplow, who will be teaching the class, has "danced" with auto-immune illness for the last two decades, including rheumatoid arthritis. She is also a Zen priest and teacher, co-editor of The Hidden Lamp: Stories from Twenty Five Centuries of Awakened Women, and a Unitarian Universalist minister. She is currently working on a book of spiritual practices for those with chronic illness.

Optional readings will be shared during the class. To prepare, students may wish to read Turning Suffering Inside Out by Darlene Cohen (available through the SFZC Online Store), and Zenshin Florence Caplow’s essay "Dancing in the Dark Fields" as well as listening to her Dharma talk at City Center on this subject.

More information and registration on the page for the class at the

San Francisco Zen Center website.

February 20

Meditation in These Times